Dodder Greenway: From Fitzwilliam Quay to Londonbridge Road

Fitzwilliam Quay to Londonbridge Road has been identified as a suitable location for interim measures along the Dodder Greenway corridor. It will provide 0.5km of walking and cycling facilities from Fitzwilliam Quay to Londonbridge Road in advance of the Dodder Greenway project. When complete, the project will deliver high quality walking and cycling facilities along the Dodder River from the sea to the mountains through Dublin City Council, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council and South Dublin County Council.

Fitzwilliam Quay Skeleton Map

Q1 2023

Outline Design

Q2 2023

Public Consultation

Q3/Q4 2023

Planning & Detailed Design

Q1 2024

Tender Documents Complete

Construction commencement subject to funding confirmation