Expenses and Remuneration
Members of the City Council receive a Representational Payment and are also paid expenses in relation to meetings attendance and mobile phone and broadband usage.
Councillors Remuneration and Expenses
These payments are set out hereunder for each year.
Councillors Conferences Training and Domestic Travel (2022)
Members of the City Council are paid expenses in relation to attendance at Training Seminars and Conferences within Ireland. These payments are set out hereunder on an annual basis.
Previous Years Councillors Conferences Training and Domestic Travel
Councillors Foreign Travel (2022)
Members of the City Council also are paid expenses in relation to attendance at conferences and events outside of Ireland. These payments are set out hereunder on an annual basis.
Previous Years Councillors Foreign Travel
Outside Bodies (2023)
Members of the City Council are appointed to the Boards of Outside Bodies. Expenses paid to them in relation to their role as board members are set out hereunder for each year.
Previous Years Outside Bodies