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National Public Libraries Open Day - Take a Closer Look

Whether its Lego clubs, book clubs, special sensory sessions, knitting groups, watching a movie with your family, or perhaps just borrowing a good book, we have something for everyone across our 21 branches.
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Back to college: library resources

We have an extensive selection of resources that third-level students can make use of to get ahead in their learning.
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Staff Pick: Dissolution

A masterclass in historical fiction, Dissolution is the first in the excellent Tudor crime series starring Matthew Shardlake.
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Ask a Librarian


Monday to Friday, from 10am-12pm and 2-4pm, you can click on the icon on the bottom right of this page, type your question into the online chat box, and one our team will get back to you straight away.

Outside of these hours, leave a message and your email address and we’ll get back to you.


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"Dublin City Libraries are trusted places that nurture curiosity so that opportunity, ambition and imagination flourish."

Library Development Plan



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