THE HomeShare

If you are looking for low-cost accommodation and are willing to help an older person to live independently in their own home, The HomeShare might be the right option for you. In return for low-cost accommodation you are asked to provide a minimum of 10 hours of support each week to the Householder as well as a presence in the home overnight for peace of mind and in case of emergencies.
THE HomeShare is a not-for-profit social enterprise that is part of a global Homeshare movement with programs currently operating across 17 countries including UK, Spain, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Australia, Canada and the USA.
Householders are typically older people, or people who need support, to continue to live in their own homes. Householders, in most cases, have some support needs or may have become isolated or anxious about living alone. The idea is that with reassurance and companionship, Householders will continue to live full, happy and healthy lives while passing on their skills and experience to enrich the lives of those that share with them.

Homesharing benefits and enriches the lives of both, the Householder and the Homesharer. It is not just about providing support but is also a great way to support intergenerational learning and to meet new people. The type of support is agreed between the Householder and Homesharer and can include activities such as: companionship, cooking, shopping, cleaning, help with household administration and pet care.
The two are matched together by THE HomeShare, who find the right matches and offer ongoing support and monitoring to ensure the arrangement continues to work well for both people. The Homeshare relationship is based on trust and friendship, people from different backgrounds, ethnicities and professions take part in homesharing. It is based on people helping each other to live better lives and create better communities.
Homesharing does not just address the symptoms of loneliness, it builds bridges across cultural divides and creates new intergenerational social connections in people’s lives and homes. It benefits both participants and enriches their lives.
Further info:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01 525 2311