I Bought My Home from the Council
If you bought your home through a Sales Scheme or Affordable Scheme from Dublin City Council, the consent of the Council is needed if you decide to sell, re-mortgage or transfer your interest in the property.
Consent is required only for the first sale for value, re-mortgage or transfer of interest in a property.
How do I apply for consent?
You should apply in writing through your solicitor to the Consents Section of Dublin City Council.
Is there an application fee?
There is a €100 application fee.
N.B. This should only be submitted when requested in writing by the Consents Section.
What do I need to know?
If you are selling your property, you must provide evidence of having alternative suitable, permanent accommodation both for yourself and any dependants.
The buyer must be in need of housing and intend to use the property as their normal place of residence.
You must complete Application form 1/S and the buyer must complete application Application form 2/S. Please note that additional information may also be requested.
If you are going to live in a property owned by family members or friends, they must also complete application form 1/S (a) and the Right of Residence Declaration/Gaeilge.
Available to download
- Guidelines for solicitors (Consent under section 90(6) Housing Act 1966)
To apply for consent to transfer ownership of your property to a family member or relation
Please send us a letter outlining the details of the proposed transfer of ownership. If the transfer would result in the owner residing elsewhere details of the nature of this alternative accommodation is required.
To apply for consent to re-mortgage your home
Please send us details of the name of the lending institution, the amount of the loan and the reason for the proposed re-mortgage.
To apply for consent to sell a plot of land formally owned by a local authority
Please send us details of the sale price, the name and address of the purchaser, the reason for the proposed transfer and also a map of the plot.
- Application Form Consent Family 1S A
If you purchased your property through the 1999-2012 Affordable Housing Scheme, you may be subject to a clawback if you sell or re-mortgage it within 20 years of date of purchase. You pay back a percentage of the sale price to Dublin City Council, which is directly linked to the initial discount you received. This is known as the “clawback”. The clawback applies whether you have a mortgage from either Dublin City Council or a bank or building society.