Social Enterprise Capital Grants Scheme 2021 – now closed
The Minister for Rural and Community Development approved funding of €1m to be allocated nationally to the Dormant Accounts Fund Social Enterprise Capital Grants Scheme 2021 which was distributed across each local authority. This scheme was rolled out through the network of Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs). Funding in the sum of €100,256.48 was allocated for distribution among successful applicants and was ring fenced for social enterprises based in Dublin City’s administrative area exclusively. To be an eligible applicant, Social Enterprises must have complied with the definition of a social enterprise as published in the National Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland 2019-2022.
The Dublin City Local Enterprise Office, which supports social enterprises, worked with the Dublin City LCDC team. A list of projects was compiled and returned to DRCD for approval by the Minister for Rural and Community Development. The Application process is now closed and payments have been made to successful applicants.
A list of the successful applicants is available at the following link: - Social Enterprise Small Capital Grants Scheme 2021 (