
Planning observations - temporary disruption to online services.  Customers may experience difficulties in posting online planning observations.  Other methods available are:

  • Hard copy by post to Planning Observations, Dublin City Council, Civic Offices, Dublin 8, or hand delivered to the same address.  Please ensure to enclose the €20 fee per observation.
  • Call customer services on 01-2222222 to pay the €20 fee quoting the planning reference number and then email the receipt, along with the observation containing your name and address to [email protected]  Please ensure your observation is sent as an attachment in word or pdf format. Observations will only be registered with proof of payment. 

We are working to restore this service as soon as possible and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

The Planning Department plans and manages development within the city. Responsibilities include processing planning applications, providing planning advice and enforcement involving unauthorised developments. You can view Planning FAQs here.