Adding a site/building to the Record of Protected Structures
The procedure for adding a site/building to the Record of Protected Structures is as follows:
Dublin City Council is required by law to include structures in a Record of Protected Structures which form part of the architectural heritage and that are of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest (Section 51 of the Planning And Development Act, 2000 (as amended)).
The site inspection is the first stage of this statutory process for the consideration of adding the structure/building to Dublin City Council’s Record of Protected Structures.
Following the site inspection, a report is prepared by the Dublin City Council, Conservation Officer outlining their assessment of the architectural heritage and special interest of the structure. Where the special interest of the building/structure is proven, this report will provide a recommendation to the relevant Area Committee of the City Council for their approval to initiate the statutory process under Sections 54 and 55 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended).
Where the Area Committee approves the initiation, the statutory process for the proposed addition of the buildings to the RPS can be commenced in accordance with Section 55 of the Act. This process includes the display of the particulars of the proposed addition/deletion for a period of 6 weeks, notification of the owner and occupier, publishing a newspaper notice, including an invitation for all to make written submissions or observations on the proposed addition/deletion.
Once the official notification is provided to the owner and in a newspaper notice, the building becomes a ‘proposed protected structure’. From that date, the carrying out of any works that would materially or significantly affect the architectural character of the proposed protected structure, including its interior and fixtures, requires planning permission.
At the end of the public consultation process, a final report and recommendation is brought to City Council within 12 weeks, which includes a written consideration of all the submissions and observations received. This report may recommend to proceed or not with the proposed addition (deletion), or with a recommendation including amendments to the proposed addition (deletion).
The decision on whether or not to make an addition to the Record of Protected Structures is a reserved function of Dublin City Council (i.e. for the decision of the Elected Members only). Notice of the decision of the City Council is provided to all relevant parties.
Further details in relation to Protected Structures can be obtained in the Architectural Heritage Protection Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2011) available at the following link:…