Electric Vehicle Charging Information
Dublin City Council acknowledges the challenges associated with the transition to electric vehicles outlined in the National Climate Action Plan as we respond to the needs of the citizens of the City by providing a sustainable urban mobility strategy. The Council also understands that technology is changing rapidly and that a range of different solutions are required to successfully address current and future mobility demands, not only in the City, but across the wider Dublin Metropolitan Area.
The four Dublin Local Authorities, supported by SMART Dublin and Climate Action Regional Office (CARO), commissioned a strategic study to examine how best we can facilitate the provision of electric vehicle-charging infrastructure across the Dublin region and the scale of investment required.
The Dublin Local Authority Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy was published in June 2022.
This research piece enables each Local Authority in the Dublin Metropolitan Area (DMA) to develop related but distinct implementation plans, based on local needs and related policies. Where commonality of approach allows, the DMA working group will collaborate to improve efficiency, for example in the area of procurement.
The Dublin City Council implementation plan will include the identification of Council and community facilities that may allow scope for facilitating the siting of EV charge points.
Dublin City Council will continue to work with the Department of Transport Zero Emission Vehicles Ireland (ZEVI) office, to identify funding streams and capacity building measures to support the transition and facilitate the installation of Electric Vehicle chargers.
Furthermore, the Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 includes objectives to support the transition to the electrification of the national fleet by ensuring that all new developments that provide car parking shall be electric charge point enabled.
Dublin City Council will work closely with the ESB and other stakeholders to enable and facilitate an increase in the number of EV charge points across the city. All new (or upgraded) commercially operated car parking developments will be required to provide a minimum of 50% of spaces with EV charging facilities.