The Action Plan Process

The methodology used to develop this plan was based on the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) Five Milestone Approach[11], which was developed as a guide to assist members of ICLEI in developing their Climate Change Action Plans. It is a ‘plan, do, check, act’ process designed specifically for the development of CCAPs.

The Milestones were further adapted to meet the specific needs of the Dublin Local Authorities and harmonised with the process as described in the Local Authority Adaptation Strategy Development Guidelines 2018. It should be noted that the current process incorporates Milestones 1 to 3 to produce this plan, while Milestones 4 and 5 concern the plan's implementation and monitoring; this will be developed further in subsequent iterations.

Five Milestone Approach

Milestone 1 - Initiate

  • Identify climate change impacts and risks
  • Develop strategy for CCAPs

Milestone 2 - Research

  • Collect baseline data
  • Arrange meetings between Codema and DCC staff
  • Arrange Dublin Local Authorities Workshops

Milestone 3 - Plan (we are here)

  • Identify objectives and targets
  • Develop actions and indicators
  • Arrange meetings between Codema and DCC staff
  • Compile Climate Change Action Plans
  • Public consultation

Milestone 4 - Implementation

  • Develop monitoring and reporting system
  • Work with Dublin Climate Action Regional Office
  • Integrate plan into Council operations

Milestone 5 - Monitor & Iterate

  • Monitor progress and report to Dublin Climate Action Regional Office


Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a statutory process involving the systematic evaluation of the likely significant environmental effects of implementing the new Climate Change Action Plan before a final decision has been made to adopt it. SEA applies to environmental assessment of plans and strategic actions that influence and set the framework for projects. The EU Directive on Habitats (92/43/EEC) (the Habitats Directive) as transposed into Irish law through the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 (S.I.477 of 2011) requires the assessment as to whether the implementation of a plan is likely to have significant effects on any Natura 2000 site(s).

The CCAP was screened to determine whether it has any significant impact on any Natura 2000 site. This screening determined that Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment (AA) was required. It should be noted that whilst the AA is a statutorily separate process to the SEA, it is, in fact, a parallel process and as such, the outcomes of the AA fed into and informed the SEA process outlined above. The SEA and AA processes have worked together to influence plan preparation and the SEA process highlights where particular environmental sensitivities arise, and also makes recommendations as to how proposed actions may be improved to increase their environmental performance.

Proposed changes to the CCAP through the Chief Executive’s Report have been screened for SEA and AA to ascertain if likely significant environmental effects or significant effects on European sites would arise. Both processes have identified additional mitigation measures for the CCAP and the SEA has also provided for a monitoring regime, which is included within this CCAP. All mitigation measures identified for the CCAP through the SEA and AA process will be adhered to and implemented over the course of the plan.