Ceadanna do Chraenacha, Ardaitheoirí agus Feithiclí
Beidh cead ag teastáil nuair a bhíonn craein shoghluaiste, ardaitheoir, nó comhfheithicil á suíomh ar bhóthar nó cosán poiblí a gcuirtear bac ar lána tráchta, nó a gcuirtear isteach ar ghluaiseacht an tráchta coisithe dá bharr.
Mobile Crane
Download and complete the application form and return it to Dublin City Council. The application will be examined by a Roadworks Control Inspector and will either be approved with conditions attached or refused.
Hoists, Cherrypickers Equipment & Vehicles
Fill out the application form and return it to us.
The application will be examined by a Roadworks Control Inspector and either be approved with conditions attached or refused.
What are the charges?
All permits for use of cranes and hoists cost a minimum of €100 per day. However, costs may be substantially higher in some circumstances, depending on the nature, duration or location of the works involved.
- A further charge will apply if it is necessary to impinge on the public roadway or to make alternative arrangements for pedestrians.
- If the Mobile Crane/Hoist/Vehicle requires the suspension of parking bays on the roadway, additional fees will apply.·
- For a comprehensive list of charges or to discuss your particular requirements, contact the Roadworks Control Unit.
- Charges may be reduced by up to 50% if the work is carried out between 7pm and 7am, or on Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday.
How can I make my payment?
Payment may be made by cheque, cash, credit/debit card. Please do not send cash in the post.
Please note: repeat applications must be accompanied by a new application form.