Fire Safety For Business
If you own or are in control of commercial building or non residential building you have a responsibility and a "duty of care" in respect to fire safety in your under the Fire Service Act, 1981 & 2003.
If you want to construct, alter, change the use of, or extend your building you will need to have a Fire Safety Certificate prior to stating any works.
If you want to apply for a Licence, you will be advised to apply to the court. Dublin Fire Brigade is a notified party to the Licencing Courts and we may inspect your premises in order to provide comment to the court.
If you own a petrol station or store petroleum products or explosives , Dublin Fire Brigade will inspect your premises
If you want to hold a small event, you can notify us directly. For large events, an Occasional Licence will need to be applied for and Dublin Fire Brigade will be notified by your solicitor as part of this process.