Donate a Vehicle for Fire Brigade Training

An úinéir cláraithe gluaisteáin nó feithicle thú a bhfuil deireadh a ré ag druidim leis? Is fiú an fheithicil a thabhairt mar thabhartas do Bhriogáid Dóiteáin Bhaile Átha Cliath chun oiliúint a chur ar a pearsanra?

Dublin Fire Brigade requires scrap vehicles to assist in maintaining the highest standards of Road Traffic Collision training for its firefighters/paramedics.

Vehicle design is constantly changing and new technologies are being introduced by manufactures. Firefighters and officers need to train regularly to keep their skills up to date with these new developments in how to safely and efficiently extricate casualties from crashed vehicle.

We will collect your old vehicle and it will then be used by DFB to train new recruits as well as for ongoing training of operational staff.

If you would like to donate your vehicle, telephone (01) 222 4199, send an email to [email protected] or use our online self service portal and we will arrange collection.

Contact Details

Fire Brigade and Ambulance Service

Telephone Number