Object to or Support a Planning Application

Under Article 29 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, anyone can make a submission or observation (called a Third Party Observation) objecting to or supporting a planning application providing:

  • It is made within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the planning application.
  • It states the name and address of the person making the observation / submission.
  • The statutory fee of €20.00 is paid.

All observations/submissions, including the name and address of the person making the observation/submission, are published on our website and are available to view in hard copy on the Planning file. However, telephone numbers and email addresses are redacted.

When making an observation/submission, you should give careful consideration to any personal information, about yourself or others, that you disclose. This is an open and public process and all parties have a right to view observations/submissions and personal information therein.

Submit an Observation

You can submit an observation online on our website, by post or alternatively by hand delivery.

Online: In order to make an observation online you will need to register and create an account using this link: Online Login/Register. You will receive confirmation of payment and an automatic acknowledgment receipt. Please retain this receipt, as you will need it should you decide to make an appeal to An Bord Pleanala.

By Post: Postal observations/submissions should be sent to Dublin City Council, Planning Registry Section, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.

By Hand: Observations can also be submitted using the drop box facility in our Civic Offices.


The planning process is an open and transparent one.

All planning application documentation, Observations / Submissions, and the weekly planning lists are made available for public inspection at the Council’s offices and on the Council’s website under Section 38 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended.  This information is processed in accordance with the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended and is made available to An Bord Pleanála in the case of an appeal under Section 127 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended.

There are 2 exceptions to the information being made available to the public and An Bord Pleanála (paper file or website): -

  • Part 2 of the planning application form
  • The email addresses and telephone numbers  of Observations/Submissions 
Contact Details

Planning Department

Telephone Number