Seveso Sites
What are Seveso sites?
Seveso Sites are defined as Industrial sites that, because of the presence of dangerous substances in sufficient quantities, are regulated under Council Directives 96/82/ECand 2003/105/EC, commonly referred to as the Seveso II Directive.
Seveso Sites are categorised as Lower, or Upper, by the type and quantity of hazardous substances stored at the site.
Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB) supports the four Local Authorities' obligations under the Chemicals Act – Control of Major Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances (COMAH) S.I. 209 2015 and the EU Seveso 3 Directive 2012 and 2018.
DFB also lead the inter-agency External Emergency Plan development, public consultation process and testing exercises at all Upper Tier Seveso sites within our area of operations.
Seveso Sites in Dublin
There are 14 Upper Tier and 12 Lower Tier sites in the Dublin City and County area.
Upper Tier sites require inter-agency development of External Emergency Plans. Inter-agency exercises are carried out every three years, reporting to the Health and Safety Authority of Ireland.
At least four of these Upper Tier Seveso site External Emergency Plans are tested and exercised annually. On completion of External Emergency Plans and public consultation, DFB develops and presents Seveso Annual Reports to the Health and Safety Authority (HSA), the central competent authority for Seveso planning in Ireland.
For further information and an up to date list and location of all Seveso sites in Ireland visit the HSA's COMAH hub.
For public consultation on Upper Tier Seveso Site External Emergency Plans, please contact the Dublin City Council/Dublin Fire Brigade Major Emergency Management Office at [email protected]
How are Seveso sites made safe?
The Dublin Fire Brigade Major Emergency Planning team ensure that Serveso sites are safe for the people of Dublin by ensuring that regulatory standards are met and that Emergency Plans are put in place
We help the four local authorities in Dublin to make sure that they meet their obligations under the Chemicals Act – Control of Major Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances (COMAH) S.I. 209 2015 and the Seveso 3 Directive (2012/18/EU).
For more information contact:
Dublin Fire Brigade
Major Emergency Management Office,
Dublin Fire Brigade Headquarters,
165-169 Townsend Street,
Dublin 2
Tel: (01) 222 4000
Email: [email protected]