Storytelling and Toddler groups at Dublin City Libraries
Published on 30th October 2024

Ages 0-4
Toddler Group / Baby Group/ Storytime takes place in the following Dublin City Libraries. Days and times can vary so it is advisable to check with the relevant library in advance.
Some Toddler/Baby groups do not meet during July or August or during school holidays. Please check with your library.
Donaghmede Library, Drumcondra Library and Marino Library are not currently running toddler groups but are well-stocked and there is no shortage of board books, activity books, picture books, pop-up books, series books, oversized books, games and toys - for children to enjoy on their visits. Series books are written by the same author and/or illustrated by the same artist. The idea is that once children get to know the core characters, they will want to keep following them on their next adventure. We showcase classics that have stood the test of time as well as new titles that will become favourites. Donaghmede Library hopes to offer a sensory story time in the future; a member of staff is taking part in a project with local creches and schools presently, so watch this space!
Toddler / Baby Group/ Storytime for children
Ballyfermot Library
- Toddler Morning on Monday mornings in the Junior Library from 10.30-11.30am.
- Children's story time is on Wednesdays at 2.30pm for ages 4 - 6.
Ballymun Library
- The Toddler Book Club meets on Thursdays from 10 - 10.45am and is suitable for children aged 2 years to preschool age.
- The Baby Book Club meets on Mondays at 10am and is suitable for new-borns to 2 year olds. Both clubs will include stories, activities and toys.
Cabra Library
- The Toddler Group is on Mondays and Thursdays from 10.30am - 12.00pm. No need to book.
- Children's story time is on Wednesdays 3.15- 3.45pm for ages 3 - 8.
Central Library
- Toddler Group takes place on Monday morning at 11am. We have stories, some music and fun, and you're welcome to stay in the library afterwards to mingle and get to know other parents. Suitable for ages 0-4.
- Stay and Play takes place on Tuesday mornings at 11am. We provide the toys and space, you provide the fun! Suitable for ages 0-4.
- Please note: we take a break during July and August.
Charleville Mall Library
Every Tuesday HSE North East Inner City Parent and Toddler Group 10.15-12pm
Every Friday Early Learning Initiative Parent and Toddler Group 10.30-11.30am
Places are limited.
Coolock Library
The toddler group meets every Monday and Thursday from 10.30 - 11.30am. Come along to Toddler Morning for an hour of books, making friends, and have fun playing with all our fantastic toys. We do the occasional story and rhyme time during the toddler group.
Both groups take a break for the summer during July and August.
Dolphin's Barn Library
Toddler group takes place on Tuesdays 10.30-11.30am. The group is self-sufficient and there is a selection of suitable toys and books available and sometimes some of the parents read to the children.
Finglas Library
Baby Sensory Book Club
This group is a parent and baby group for non-walkers. Held every Tuesday morning at 10am. Parents and babies have fun, play together and develop their baby's social and emotional skills. It's also an opportunity to meet other parents with children of a similar age.
Thursday Toddler Book Club
Parent and toddler group for young children. Held every Thursday morning at 10am.
As both are book clubs, we ask that you borrow the weekly story from the library to read to your child during the week.
Inchicore Library
The toddler group meets on Wednesday mornings from 10-11am. New members are welcome.
Kevin Street Library
**This event is not on during July and August but will resume in September**
The Kevin Street Toddler Group meets every Wednesday from 10.30 to 11.30am. We share toys, stories, and from time to time songs. All babies and toddlers are welcome. No need to book.
Grúpa Tuistí agus Leanaí
Glac pairt sa Ghrúpa Tuistí agus leanaí i Leabharlann Sráid Chaoimhín. Bíonn fáilte chuig gach leibhéal na Gaeilge.
An Aoine Leathdheireanach don mhí, 10.30 r.n.
Irish Language Parent and Toddler Group
Join the Parent and Toddler Group in Kevin Street Library. All levels of Irish are welcome!
Meetings are on the first Friday of the month at 10.30am.
Pearse Street Library
Toddler and Storytime group facilitated by the wonderful Early Learning Initiative meets every Tuesday and Friday morning from 10.30am. The group features story-time, songs and rhymes followed by playtime.
Booking required:
If you book and cannot attend, please cancel your ticket to release it to the waiting list.
Pembroke Library
The toddler group is on Thursday morning from 10.30 - 11.30am. Creative toys are placed in a circle on the floor to encourage children to socialise under the supervision of their parent or guardian. Stories are told and simple children's songs are sung.
Phibsboro Library
Toddler Storytime takes place on the second Tuesday of the month (except August) at 11.30am. All are welcome.
Raheny Library
The Raheny Library Toddler Group meets every Tuesday morning (excluding Tuesdays after Bank Holidays) from 10am to 11.30am. No booking required.
Rathmines Library
The toddler group meets every Thursday at 1pm and runs throughout the year. The library would warmly welcome new participants so contact the library if interested. E: [email protected]
Ringsend Library
The toddler group meets every Thursday at 11am. All babies and toddlers will be welcome and there’s no need to book.
Terenure Library
The toddler group meets every Tuesday from 10am and continues throughout the summer.
Walkinstown Library
- My Storytime is suitable for babies from 0 - 2 yrs old and meets every Tuesday from 10.45 - 11.30am. It includes stories and songs. Places are limited so please email [email protected]
- My Sensory Hour for primary school children and their parents/carers takes place from 3.30 - 4.30pm each week.
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Further reading: Children's books on feelings and emotions and our sensory services.