TTRS with Dublin City Libraries
Published on 5th June 2020
Did you know that as a member of Dublin City Libraries, you can access the Touch-type Read & Spell (TTRS) course for free?
What is TTRS and who can use it?
TTRS is a multisensory, structured, online typing course which assists students to learn at their own pace.
In addition to developing typing skills, TTRS is designed to benefit students of all ages who experience spelling, reading or writing difficulties. Learners with dyslexia or literacy issues have found it helpful. Many of our patrons, both adults and children, some as young as 8, have already availed of this free service at Dublin City Libraries. While a large number of these patrons have found the course helpful for Dyslexia, many others have also found it beneficial.
For example:
- learners with Dyspraxia
- learners with Dysgraphia
- students studying English as a second language
- those who wish to upskill and improve their general typing skills
- hose who wish to improve their literacy skills or those having literacy difficulties
- those who wish to improve their memory skills or who are experiencing memory problems
The feedback we have got from our current learners and parents has been very positive, with many reporting how they have benefitted from the course.
How does TTRS with Dublin City Libraries work?
If you are a member of Dublin City Libraries and if you have internet access at home, then you can use TTRS. All you need is a username and password. The course has a user-friendly interface and, from the very start of the course, students are prompted and talked through what to do, for example: where to place their fingers on the keyboard etc.
There are many different levels and modules which learners can work through and improve on, and at the end of each level you can get a Certificate of Completion to represent all the hard work you have done!In addition to the main TTRS course, there is also a TTRS subjects section. This is only recommended after learners have completed at least 3 levels of the main course. Subjects include maths, grammar and science.
How to get access to TTRS?
If you would like access, please email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected] and include your name and Library card membership number. We will send you a username and password along with the login instructions. You can also email us if you have any other questions about accessing TTRS.
For further useful information on TTRS check out their website.
Submitted by Fiona from Central Library.