Dublin City Council urges road users to ‘Be Sound’ in new safety initiative
Published on 29th January 2025
Dublin City Council has today launched a new public awareness campaign calling on road users to ‘Be Sound’ to each other.
The campaign encourages everyone to be respectful and to prioritise safety when walking, cycling or driving on the city’s streets.
With the plan to roll out the 314km Active Travel Network, the City Council wishes to enhance awareness and encourage responsible behaviour when traveling throughout the city.
The campaign has a simple, but important message; ‘Be Sound’ when traveling and alert to your surroundings, regardless of how you travel.
The campaign features popular TikTok star Garron Noone, whose unique voice and humour will deliver the ‘Be Sound’ message in his own inimitable way, so keep an eye on his social media channels!
It will be hosted through a mix of digital content, radio and billboard advertising.
Commenting on the launch, Chris Manzira, Deputy Director for the Dublin City Council Active Travel said:
“We want to ensure that everyone—whether they walk, wheel, cycle or drive —feels safe and respected. The ‘Be Sound’ campaign is about encouraging a positive and respectful culture on our streets. Research shows positive attitudes for Active Travel which is very encouraging, and many people are availing of its benefits. While we are continuing to develop the network, we want to ensure everyone continues to be respectful to each other and is sound to other road users around them.”
For more information about Dublin City Council's Active Travel Network, visit Active Travel | Dublin City Council or follow us on social media Instagram or Facebook @dublincitycouncil or X @DubCityCouncil.
Notes to the Editor:
About Dublin City Council's Active Travel Network
Dublin City Council's planned 314km Active Travel Network aims to transform the city's lifestyle by expanding its walk-wheel-cycle infrastructure. By the end of this year, the network will have grown to 32km from an initial 10km.
When complete, the network will ensure that 95% of residents will be within 400m of the network. This will connect them to the various employment areas and amenities across the city.
For more information, visit: https://www.dublincity.ie/residential/transportation/active-travel