Local Authority Home Loan
**Eligibility is subject to submission of a complete Local Authority Home Loan application form and confirmation by your local authority.
Local Authority Home Loan
The Local Authority Home Loan (LAHL) is available for people who are unable to obtain sufficient funding from commercial banks to purchase or build a home. The loan can be used both for new and second-hand properties, or to self-build. Full details of the Local Authority Home Loan, including eligibility criteria, can be found at http://localauthorityhomeloan.ie
How to apply:
Applicants must complete a Local Authority Home Loan application form which is available for download here and return it to:
Loans & Sales, Dublin City Council, Block 2, Floor 2, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
The Tenant (Incremental) Purchase Scheme 2016
Is a scheme which enables tenants of Dublin City Council to buy their homes subject to eligibility. You must be a tenant of Dublin City Council for one year and be earning over €12,500 (not all from social welfare).
Certain properties such as apartments, duplexes and adapted accommodation are not included in the scheme.
The purchase price of the house will include a discount of either 40, 50 or 60% of the market value of the house, dependent on your income.