City Trees
The Parks, Biodiversity and Landscape Services Division has an important role in the provision and maintenance of street trees. There are more than 60,000 street and roadside trees within the city, with an average of 5,000 trees being planted by Dublin City Council in the city each year.
In addition the division also looks after civic decoration such as street planters, and seasonal displays such as Christmas trees.
Dublin street trees
This leaflet has some basic care instructions to help your new street tree take root, see leaflet below:

Native tree trails
There are nine Native Tree Trails in Dublin City Council parks. On the Southside, we have four which are located in Bushy Park, Markievicz Park, Ballyfermot, Herbert Park in Ballsbridge and Lansdowne Valley Park, Inchicore.
On the Northside we have five which are located in Poppintree Park, Johnstown, Albert College Park, St Annes Park and Tolka Valley Park.
The trails will help to introduce you to a selection of Ireland's native trees. There are 15 native trees signposts in each park. To find them you can navigate your way around the park using The Native Tree Trail Booklet
Existing Tree Preservation Orders
1. Dublin Corporation Tree Preservation (Watermill Road/ All Saints Drive, Adjoining St.Annes National School) Order 1989.
Consisting of a group of 67 Quercus ilex (Holm Oak), which were part of the original St Annes estate
2. Dublin Corporation Tree Preservation (St. Patrick’s House) Order 1994.
Consisting of 1 Acer pseudoplatanus (Sycamore), previously in grounds of St. Patricks convent and now part of a housing estate.
3. Dublin City Council Tree Preservation Order (No.1) 2008 Dartmouth Square Park, Dublin 6.
Consisting of the group of trees on the eastern boundary of the park. 7 trees (1x Acer platanoides Norway maple, 3 x Tilia sp. Limes, 1 x Fraxinus pendula Weeping Ash, 1 x Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore, 1 x Juglans nigra Black Walnut ).
4. Dublin City Council Tree Preservation Order (No.2) 2008 Dartmouth Square Park, Dublin 6.
Consisting of the group of trees on the southern boundary of the park. 23 trees (1x Acer platanoides Norway maple, 9 x Tilia sp. Limes, 3 x Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore, 1 x Juglans nigra Black Walnut, 5 x Ilex aquifolium , Holly 2 x Taxus baccata Yew, 1 x Quercus cerris Turkey Oak 1 x Prunus laurocerasus Cherry laurel ).
5. Dublin City Council Tree Preservation Order (No.3) 2008 Dartmouth Square Park, Dublin 6.
Consisting of the group of trees on the western boundary of the park. 6 trees (3 x Tilia sp. Limes, 2 x Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore, 1 x Ilex aquifolium, Holly).
6. Dublin City Council Tree Preservation Order (No.4) 2008 Dartmouth Square Park, Dublin 6.
Consisting of the group of trees on the northern boundary of the park. 32 trees (7 x Tilia sp. Limes
6 x Ilex aquifolium, 1 x Quercus cerris Turkey Oak, 3 x Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore,1 x Prunus laurocerasus Cherry laurel, 7 x Ulmus procera Elm, 5x Acer platanoides Norway maple, 1 x Taxus baccata Yew, 1 x Juglans nigra Black Walnut ).