Liffey Street Public Realm Works

Please be advised, that Client, Dublin City Council, and in association with Works’ Contractor, Cairn Construction, and as part of the above Public Works (i.e. Liffey Street Public Realm Works), will implement a Temporary Road Closure on Liffey Street Upper (from its’ junction with Middle Abbey Street, to its’ junction with North Lotts), and do so for the duration of Tuesday 6th June, 2023 to Friday, 1st September, 2023. This section of carriageway will be closed (during this period) 24hours per day, each day
Liffey Street (both Upper and Lower) provides an important link between the north and south city centre shopping and tourist precincts. Liffey Street can experience some 30,000 pedestrians and some 2,500 vehicles per day, and accommodation of same will present the Contractor no small challenge during the Works.
This scheme is being progressed as part of the Public Realm Strategy, the City Centre Masterplan and the Reimagining Dublin One Study, which was developed to meet the objectives of the overarching Dublin City Council Public Realm Strategy ‘Your City Your Space’ document.
A high quality design is being utilised to improve the ambiance of the street, with increased greening and wider footpaths creating a quality space to be enjoyed by all.
The proposed Works will involve a full upgrade of the footpaths and carriageway at this location. The footpaths will be widened and repaved in granite, and notable new planting will be included to match those already introduced in other recently completed city center streets.
The above Works include, but are not limited to:-
The proposed works extend the full length of Liffey Street Upper and Lower from its junction with Henry Street running south to its junction with Ormond Quay and Bachelor’s Walk along the Liffey Quays. The Scheme's Works endeavours to minimise disruption to local businesses and the general public.
The Liffey Street Public Realm project involves the excavation, reconstruction, milling and reconstruction of the asphalt carriageway and the repaving of the footpaths with new granite slabs and setts laid on a new high strength bedding mortar, replacing the existing pavement materials, and as shown on the scheme design drawings (attached).
The existing pedestrian area on Liffey Street Upper is extended to the intersection with Abbey Street. A new pedestrian plaza will be created on Liffey Street Lower between Strand Street and the Quays.
The Works involve the replacement of an existing gas main, the provision and installation of new watermains, the provision of new surface water sewers, public lighting and communications ducts, street furniture in the form of bollards, benches, bicycle stands, and bins and the replacement of some utility covers and frames within the site extents.
The Works also involve the provision of planted areas throughout the scheme.
Liffey Street lower is currently open to one-way southbound traffic along its entire length from Abbey Street to the Quays.
There are pedestrian footways on both sides of the road. Insofar as is reasonably possible, through-traffic will be maintained for the duration of the works between Abbey Street and Strand Street. However, it is acknowledged in advance, that Temporary Road Closures (affecting vehicular traffic) will have to be an integral part of these Pubic Roadworks.
Temporary Traffic Management will be a major part of the proposed Works, with the safety of pedestrians and other road users remaining paramount throughout the construction period.
The Contractor will do its' utmost to preserve vehicular passage along the street insofar as is reasonably possible, during the course of the Works.
Dublin City Council, and its' Public Works Contractor, Cairn Construction, apologise in advance for any inconvenience or disruption these Works may cause.
If you need support during these Public Works, please contact the following e-mail address [email protected]
The Scheme layout may be viewed on the following drawings:-
To view this, you must update your

Dublin City Council has engaged the following main Contractor for the works:
Cairn Construction, Courtyard, Behan Sq., Russell St, Dublin 1
Email: [email protected] Web Page:
Contractor’s Public Liaison Officer: Cathal Fanning, 087 - 235 0529
The Works will be overseen by Road Construction Division, DCC – [email protected]
Works are due to commence in the second week of January 2023 and are expected to be completed by end-2024. Working hours will be mainly 08:00-18:00hrs, Monday to Friday.
Occasional evening and weekend work (particularly at road junctions) will be required.
Pedestrian and vehicular access will be maintained during the works; however, Temporary Road Closures will be required for varying duration(s) during the works and especially whilst re-constructing junctions in particular. Any Temporary Road Closure required will be advertised in advance.
Occasional STOP-GO arrangement(s) may also be required. When excavating the road outside individual premises, all efforts will be made to ensure continuity of access. The contractor will liaise with those affected in advance of the work to minimize the disruption.
Similarly, access for emergency services, and refuse collection, will also be maintained
A site compound is expected to be established on Strand Street Great.
Christmas Opening
The Works will be suspended from 17th November until the 2nd January of the following year to facilitate Christmas trade in the area. The Contractor will have to completely demobilize for this period and make all footways and carriageways available for use. This shall include temporarily reinstating any unfinished surfaces, removing all site fencing, barriers, plant and materials and leaving the street in a clean and safe manner. The site, including works areas, barriers and fencing, shall be re-established from 2nd January.
Contractor, Cairn, during the course of the Works, will present on its’ Web Site, Fortnightly A4 Newsletters regarding the Works.
The Fortnightly A4 Newsletters will contain information on the following:-
- Work completed the preceding two-weeks,
- Work to be undertaken the coming two-weeks, and
- Any special information (e.g. impending Temporary Road Closures).
Meanwhile, if you would like to join the Contractor’s PR e-mail circulation listing, please submit your e-mail address to [email protected]