Terms of Reference
- Membership of the Community Forum will comprise of one representative from each of the following associations / groups.
b. Ballsbridge Residents’ Association Ballsbridge Living.
c. Brabazon Trust
d. Church Avenue Residents’ Representative
e. Climate and Health Alliance
f. Dublin Commuter Coalition
g. Dublin Cycling Campaign
h. Durham Road Resident
i. Gilford Road Residents' Group
j. Headway Ireland
k. I bike Dublin
l. Irish Doctors for the Environment
m. Lansdowne Area District Residents’ Association
n. Local parents for cycling group
o. Merrion Gates Residents' Group
p. Merrion Road Residents' Association
q. Park Avenue Action Group
r. Ringsend Irishtown Tidy Towns Group
s. Sandymount and Merrion Residents' Association
t. Sandymount Avenue Residents' Group
u. Sandymount Hotel
v. Seafort Avenue Residents' Group
w. STC Sandymount
x. Strand Road Residents' Group
y. Sydney Parade Avenue Residents' Association
- The Forum will be supported by the Area Office and the Strand Road Project Team.
- The Forum may invite representatives of other organisations to attend to address particular issues.
- Meetings of the Community Forum will be chaired by the Lord Mayor or by her nominee if the Lord Mayor is unable to attend.
- The core objective of the Community Forum is to facilitate a two –way dialogue process between representatives of communities/groups, DCC and be inclusive of groups representing persons with disabilities in relation to the Strand Road Trial.
- It will enable information to be provided more directly by DCC to the parties most impacted by the proposals.
- It will allow concerns about the proposals to be raised by the participants and for the DCC to address and respond to those concerns.
- It will allow constructive ideas to be brought forward to the address particular concerns.
- It will assist in enabling the resolution of local issues within the proposals in a timely manner.
- It will allow discussions and suggestions in relation to ideas for village and surrounding areas improvements that could be incorporated into the project.