How to Make a Planning Enforcement Complaint
I want to make a complaint about an unauthorised development, or non compliance with planning permission.
Please submit your complaint in writing or fill out the complaint form attached, you can summit this by email or by post.
Complaints will not be registered over the phone.
Please ensure to include the following information:
- Your name (this will remain confidential)
- Your address and phone number (this will remain confidential)
- The address of the development
- Nature of your complaint
- Any details you have concerning the owner or occupier of the property
- The date the development began
- Photographs (if any)
Please note that we cannot initiate an investigation unless we have your full name and address.
What happens next?
Your complaint will be acknowledged by post which will contain the name and contact details of the planning enforcement officer who has been assigned to investigate your complaint.
On a rare occasion your evidence will be required in court to ensure a successful outcome to enforcement action. In such circumstances, you will be asked in advance if you are willing to give evidence. You may be asked to keep a log of dates or times when unauthorised activity occurs.
You will be notified of the outcome of the case upon completion of the City Council’s investigations.