Ballymun Local Area Plan (LAP)

Dublin City Council has published a local area plan for the Ballymun area in accordance with Section 20 of the Planning and Development Act.

Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended)

Notice of the resolution to extend the life of the Ballymun Local Area Plan 2017

Notice is hereby given that the Elected Members of Dublin City Council resolved to extend the Ballymun Local Area Plan 2017, for a further period of five years, at the City Council meeting on the 3rd of October 2022.

Having considered Report No. 236/2022, the City Council and in accordance with the provisions of Section 19 and 20 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended), the members approved the extension of the Ballymun Local Area Plan, until October 2027

CE Report Ballymun LAP Extension

Details of the resolution may be inspected at the offices of Dublin City Council, Planning Counter, Block 4, Ground Floor, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8, during office hours of the planning authority, by appointment only and at Extension 2022.

Resolution Item 8 Report No. 236-2022 -Ballymun Local Area Plan (2017) extension 5 years 3.10.2022

The vision of the plan is to create a successful and sustainable new town with a thriving local economy that caters for all people.

Ballymun Retail Study
Appendices 1 - 3 - Ballymun Retail Study
Appendix 4 - Ballymun Retail Study
Appendices 5a -5b - Ballymun Retail Study
Ballymun Draft Local Area Plan 2017 Material Alterations
Ballymun LAP - SEA Statement
Ballymun LAP - SEA Report
Ballymun LAP - Appropriate Assessment
Ballymun LAP - Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
Ballymun LAP - Part 1
Ballymun LAP - Part 2
Ballymun LAP - Part 3
Contact Details

Planning Department

Telephone Number