Traffic & Transport SPC
This committee prepares and debates policy alternatives for transport and traffic affairs for Dublin City Council.
John Flanagan (Acting Assistant Chief Executive and City Engineer), has administrative responsibility for this committee.
- Cllr. Noeleen Reilly– Chairperson
- Cllr. Keith Connolly
- Cllr. Caroline Conroy
- Cllr. Larry O’Toole
- Cllr. Mannix Flynn
- Cllr. Janet Horner
- Cllr. Anne Feeney
- Cllr. Carolyn Moore
- Cllr. Paddy McCartan
- Cllr. Deirdre Conroy
- Cllr. Daniel Céitinn
- Cllr. Jane Horgan-Jones
- Cllr. Michael Pidgeon
Outside Bodies
- Martin Hoey, Public Participation Network
- Gary Kearney, Public Participation Network
- Declan Gray, Dublin Chamber of Commerce
- Keith Gavin, Irish Parking Association
- Colm Ryder, Dublin Cycling Campaign
- Richard Guiney, Dublin Town
For more information
Contact: Environment and Transportation Department | 01 222 2528 | [email protected]