Industrial Heritage
Industrial Heritage
Industrial heritage refers to industrial activities of the past and associated infrastructure such as the Poolbeg power station and includes a range of buildings, artefacts, features and ancillary features such as the Guinness Storehouse and the Jameson Centre. The International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) definition of ‘industrial heritage’ is provided at http://www.icomos.ie/index.php/ committees/industrial-heritage/rules-andobjectives.
Dublin City Council will implement and promote The Dublin Principles adopted jointly by The International Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage (TICCIH) and the 17th ICOMOS General Assembly on 28 November 2011 as guiding principles to assist in the documentation, protection, conservation and appreciation of industrial heritage as part of the heritage of Dublin and Ireland.
The Dublin City Industrial Heritage Record survey makes recommendations for sites to be added to the list of Protected Structures in the life of the Plan and should be consulted prior to the lodgement of any planning application. A review of the DCIHR will be undertaken for the Kilmainham and Inchicore areas, together with the unique maritime heritage of the North and South Docklands, and the full DCIHR will be published online as soon as resources permit and within the period of this development plan. Dublin City Council will promote best practice surveying of industrial heritage sites and will engage with local communities in this regard.
The consideration of the addition of structures of industrial heritage to the Record of Protected Structures will be undertaken in accordance with the Strategic Approach set out in Section 11.1.4 of this Chapter, including having regard to the recommendations of the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (NIAH).