3.4 The Strategic Approach
The following components comprise the strategy for the duration of this development plan:
a) To comprehensively update the ‘Climate Change Strategy for Dublin City’ (2008 – 2012). Prepared in association with Codema, the strategy set out actions, targets and indicators relating to the following areas: energy, planning, transport, waste management, and biodiversity. Progress is ongoing to update the strategy, which is likely to be a significant document influencing the overall approach to climate change.
b) To progress local authority requirements under the National Climate Change Adaptation Framework.
c) To ensure policies and objectives of this development plan are informed by strategic flood risk assessment in accordance with statutory guidance.
d) To implement flood-prevention adaptation works as set out in Appendix 11 of this Plan.
e) In conjunction with Codema (Dublin’s Energy Agency), to continue to implement initiatives/projects relating to spatial energy planning, increasing energy awareness, energy use monitoring, increasing the share of renewables, and improving energy efficiency in the built environment. The outcome of a current spatial energy demand analysis will be key to determining the course of future actions for specific areas of the city.