5.4 The Strategic Approach
The delivery of quality homes in the compact city is a key issue for our citizens and competitiveness. The approach is to build on the policies of the last development plan and implement the core strategy by:
- supporting the regional settlement strategy which seeks to re-balance future growth in the region and consolidate development in the metropolitan area.
- providing for an appropriate quantity and quality of residential accommodation incorporating sustainable densities and designs.
- engaging in active land management through the Dublin Housing Supply Coordination Taskforce and working closely with key stakeholders including NAMA.
- providing for a variety of housing typologies and tenures which are adaptable, flexible, and meet family needs and the changing needs of people throughout their lives.
- providing for the right quantity of appropriate housing in the right locations that is accessible and affordable for all residents of the city through the implementation of the housing strategy.
- providing for the creation and improvement of attractive mixed-use sustainable neighbourhoods which benefit from the phased delivery of supporting infrastructure. In addition the city development plan will through its active land management approach seek to implement the National Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness (2016).