6.4 The Strategic Approach
In responding to the challenges facing the economy of the city and its role as the national and regional economic engine, and the competition from other cities internationally, this development plan will pursue the following approach:
- Developing enterprise, particularly the services sector, which is the critical sector for the city
- Developing Dublin as an ‘Innovation City’, a world-leading city in promoting creativity, productivity, competition, density, entrepreneurial activity and clustering
- Developing economic, cultural and institutional clusters within the city centre to optimise its economic potential
- Developing academic medical centres providing excellence in research, care and teaching in the medical and health sectors
- Improving the general attractiveness of a city for people and investors as a key part of maintaining competitiveness and creating a vibrant place that attracts and retains creative people within the city
- Providing appropriate office and commercial spaces as the workplaces for the new knowledge and services economy, enabling the city to compete as an attractive location internationally
- Continuing and enhancing regeneration, particularly in the city centre zoned area, as the next big move for major improvements in Dublin’s competitiveness
- Promoting tourism as a key driver for the city’s economy, particularly through making the city attractive for visitors, international education, business tourism and conventions
- Enhancing the role of Dublin as an education city and a destination of choice for international students.