8.3 Challenges
Transport has an important contribution to make towards achieving a sustainable city. Less dependency on the private car for routine trips and replacement by public transport, walking and cycling will result in a reduction in consumption of non-renewable resources and CO2 emissions, helping to meet national emission reduction targets. It will also bring health benefits. This is all the more important when we consider that the population of the inner city is expected grow by over 40,000 by the year 2020. Key challenges for the city include the following:
- Effective integration of land-use and transportation, and the management of access and mobility.
- Pro-active engagement and collaboration with communities to bring about further modal shift and effective mobility management.
- The expansion of the strategic cycle network along all major water bodies including the River Liffey and the canals.
- Improving the city centre environment for pedestrians through public realm enhancements and through improvement of the strategic pedestrian network.
- Ensuring maximum benefits are achieved from public transport improvements including Luas cross-city and the anticipated Bus Rapid Transit network.
- Managing city centre road-space to best address the competing needs of public transport, pedestrians, cyclists, and the private car.
- Increasing significantly the existing mode share for active modes, i.e. walking and cycling, and supporting the forthcoming National Policy Framework for Alternative Fuels Infrastructure.