9.1 Introduction
Dublin City Council is committed to providing and delivering infrastructural services within its statutory remit, which will enhance the quality of the city’s environment and also facilitate sustainable economic development and housing.
Dublin City Council’s policies and objectives intend to provide high-quality public infrastructure which aims to minimise waste, provide flood protection, reduce flood risk in Dublin city as far as possible, mitigate where possible and adapt to the impacts of climate change, protect and improve water resources/water dependent ecosystems and to support the green infrastructure network.
Infrastructural requirements and issues relating to water services, energy supply and telecommunications, while not the direct remit of Dublin City Council, have implications for planning and development.
Since 1 January 2014, Irish Water is responsible for all public water services, involving the supply of drinking water and the collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater. Dublin City Council retains responsibility for the storm water network. Dublin City Council will work closely with Irish Water to ensure the delivery of a reliable, clean water supply and safe disposal of wastewater, to facilitate the continued sustainable economic development of the city.