1.4 - Statutory Context

This Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended). The legislative basis for the preparation and adoption of a development plan is set out in Sections 9-12 of the Act. Section 10(1) provides that the development plan shall set out an overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of the area and shall consist of a written statement and a plan or plans indicating the development objectives for the area (see Appendix 4 for a summary of development plan mandatory requirements).

The Plan is required to be consistent with national and regional planning and development policy including the National Planning Framework and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the Eastern and Midland Region. The Plan must specifically address the following mandatory requirements:

Figure 1-2: Mandatory Requirements to be Addressed by Development Plans

Figure 1-2  Mandatory Requirements to be Addressed by Development Plans.jpg

The development plan and in particular, the core strategy (see Chapter 2) sets out the spatial framework for the city within the context of the National Development Plan (NDP), National Planning Framework (NPF), the National Climate Action Plan (CAP) 2021, the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly (RSES) 2019, the NTA’s Greater Dublin Area Transport Strategy 2022-2042 and with the Specific Planning Policy Requirements (SPPRs) set out in the relevant Section 28 Ministerial Guidelines.

The key provisions of the national and regional development frameworks, and also the relationship between these higher level policy frameworks and this development plan for the city, are set out in Section 1.9 below. Appendix 14 sets out a summary of how the plan complies with relevant Section 28 guidance. The core strategy and Housing Strategy inform the Settlement Strategy for the city.

Taking account of the development framework set out in higher level national and regional plans, the proposed strategic approach for Dublin promotes the consolidation of the city, maximising efficient use of land and integrating land use and transport, within the context of an over-arching philosophy of sustainability and quality of life factors. The development plan is fully consistent with all of these higher level plans, as is demonstrated in the core strategy (Chapter 2).