14.3 - Permissible, Non-Permissible Uses and Unzoned Lands

14.3.1 Permissible and Non-Permissible Uses

A permissible use is one which is generally acceptable in principle in the relevant zone, but which is subject to normal planning considerations, including the policies and objectives outlined in the plan.

An open for consideration use is one which may be permitted where the planning authority is satisfied that the proposed development would be compatible with the overall policies and objectives for the zone, would not have undesirable effects on the permitted uses, and would otherwise be consistent with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.

There will be a presumption against uses not listed under the permissible or open for consideration categories in zones Z1, Z2, Z6, Z8, Z9, Z11, Z12 and Z15. Other uses will be dealt with in accordance with the overall policies and objectives in this plan.

14.3.2 Unzoned Lands

Certain small areas of land within the city are unzoned or not covered by a specific zoning objective. These lands are illustrated in white on the zoning maps accompanying the plan and usually correspond with the location of the city’s roads, bridges, train lines, or other key infrastructure installations. Development proposals in respect of these unzoned lands will be considered in accordance with the policies and objectives of the plan. Regard will also be had to their compatibility with adjacent land-uses and zonings.