8.4 - The Strategic Approach

Transportation policy in Dublin City is guided by a comprehensive and coordinated set of national and regional policy documents that have emerged over the past decade. The National Planning Framework (NPF) and Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the EMRA area (RSES) sets out the overarching objectives to achieve compact growth and sustainable mobility, through the integration of land use and transportation policy together with healthy placemaking. The recognition of the positive contribution of active travel to improving public health, as well as being a sustainable transport option that can achieve a reduction in pollution and greenhouse gas generation, is also supported in the NPF and RSES.

In alignment with national and regional policy and the goal of achieving its compact growth objectives, this plan will continue to present an integrated strategy for transport and mobility that supports and prioritises the use of sustainable modes of transport, promotes active travel and which presents a pro-active and collaborative approach to influencing travel behaviour. The Council will also continue to engage with external agencies including the National Transport Authority (NTA) and Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) to assist in the delivery of sustainable transport projects that are provided at a regional or national level.