9.4 - The Strategic Approach

The main strategic issues for the current plan period are identified as follows:

  • Facilitating the provision of critical energy utilities and the transition to alternative, renewable, decarbonised and decentralised energy sources, technologies and infrastructure, while delivering improved alignment between the City’s energy use and energy generation.
  • Aligning the settlement and economic elements of the core strategy with the efficient use and timely delivery of critical water supply and waste water infrastructure through ongoing consultation with Irish Water (IW). Supporting implementation of the IW Water Services Strategic Plan (2015) and key projects in order to maintain and improve existing services and service further growth.
  • Managing the use of our water resources through active conservation and demand management measures.
  • Enhancing the City’s resilience to climatic risk and vulnerabilities through more nature-based and adaptive flood risk management, which is aligned with placemaking and delivers wider environmental benefits.
  • Aligning the growth of development areas with strategic surface water management and encouraging the use of sustainable drainage systems and nature-based surface water management regimes.
  • Ensuring the necessary management and protection of watercourses and waterbodies is fully integrated with climate action, land use planning and development management practices.
  • Promoting and delivering more sustainable forms of waste management and improved waste education in the City in line with circular economy and 15-minute city principles. Minimising and preventing waste and maximising material recycling, reuse and re-purposing.
  • Control of air pollution emissions at source through cross-sectoral policy responses in the areas of transport, land use, green infrastructure and energy production/ use.
  • Proactive management of urban noise pollution sources through the Dublin Agglomeration Noise Action Plan 2018-2023.
  • Supporting and co-ordinating the roll-out of telecoms and digital connectivity infrastructure and the shared use of the City’s assets and ducting networks, in order to minimise time delays, cost, duplication and disruption.