4.6.3 Dublin City Biodiversity Action Plan

Dublin City has had a Biodiversity Action Plan in place since 2008. The current plan establishes four key themes, all of which will be implemented through parks management activities. There are specific actions related to the operations and management of parks.


  • To implement the Dublin City Biodiversity Action Plan (2015-2020).
  • To renew and update the Biodiverstiy Action plan in 2019.

As part of the Biodiversity Action Plan, an Invasive Alien Species Action Plan for Dublin City will be implemented.

Invasive alien species (IAS) are flora and fauna (plants and animals) that are not native to Ireland and can take over Irish habitats without the usual predators and limits in their own native ecosystems to stop them. Examples in Ireland include Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed and American Mink. They are the second greatest threat to biodiversity world-wide after habitat destruction.

Parks and open spaces often are affected by this serious threat to biodiversity, especially since these are areas where people pass through and can deposit garden waste, unwanted pets or even just carry IAS with them by passing through soil or water. Therefore, it will be necessary to make parks and open spaces a focal point of DCC’s efforts to control IAS and raise awareness.


  • To implement the Dublin City Invasive Alien Species Action Plan (2015-2020).