About Building Control
Dublin Fire Brigade is responsible for fire safety in buildings and other structures across Dublin under the Building Control Acts 1990 to 2017.
The Building Control Acts 1990 and 2007
What is the Building Control Act 1990 and 2007?
The 1990 & 2007 Act is the basis of Building Control and it allows for the establishment of Building Control Authorities. The Act:
- Provides for the making Building Regulations -deals with issues such as building standards, workmanship, conservation of fuel and energy and access for people with disabilities.
- Provides for making of Building Control Regulations - Commencement Notices, Fire Safety Certificates and Fees and their Administration by Building Control Authorities.
- Gives powers of enforcement and inspection.
The Building Control Act established a statutory duty to design and construct in accordance with Building Regulations. Every building to which Building Regulations apply should be designed and constructed in accordance with the Building Regulations and the responsibility for compliance rests with builders, designers and owners.
Read the The Building Control Acts, 1990 and 2007.
Building Regulations 1997 - 2014
The primary purpose of the Building Regulations is to provide for the health, safety and welfare of people in and around buildings. In general, the Building Regulations 1997 - 2002 apply to the construction of new buildings and to extensions and material alterations to existing buildings and to certain changes of use of existing buildings. These Regulations apply to all types of construction.
The legislative framework for the Building Control system is contained in the following:
Technical Guidance Documents
The Guidance to complying with the requirements of the Building Regulations 1997 - 2014 and the Building Control Regulation 1997 - 2015 is detailed in the Technical Guidance Documents. These documents refer to standards, codes and further guidance for the design and construction of buildings.
Adherence to the standards of the Technical Guidance Documents will usually indicate compliance with the requirements of the legislation.
Works carried out in accordance with the Technical Guidance Documents, should be compliant with the Building Regulations. The adoption of an approach other than that outlined in the regulations is not precluded, provided that the relevant requirements of the regulations are complied with.