Bannaí/Tógáil i gCúram
Coinníoll é banna bardasach a bhaineann le cead pleanála a dheonú.
Security bonds
The purpose of the bond is to ensure satisfactory completion and/or reinstatement of any services/infrastructure currently in the charge of Dublin City Council, including roads, open spaces, car parking spaces, public lighting, sewers and drains, irrespective of the development being taken in charge.
When a development has been completed, written confirmation should be submitted by the developer along with an Architect's Certificate of Completion.
Once the completed development has been inspected and approved by the Dublin City Council Service Divisions (Public Lighting, Drainage Services, Roads & Traffic, Parks & Landscapes Services) the bond will be returned. However if the development is unsatisfactory and the developer fails to rectify the problems identified, all or part of the bond may be used by the Council to complete the work.
The bond can be in the form of a cash lodgement, cheque or bank draft, EFT or other security (e.g. a bank or insurance company bond).
Dublin City Council Security Bond Rates
Residential: €1,000 per unit
Commercial: €100 per square meter
Hotel/Student Accommodation: €200 per bedroom/bedspace for first 100 units,
101 -500 units €100 per bedroom/bedspace, thereafter €50 per bedroom/bedspace.
Taking in Charge Procedure for Developers and Home Owners
Please see the attachments below for more information about the taking in charge procedure and the requirements that must be met with regard to drains, public lighting and roads before a development can be be taken in charge.