Cíos agus Riaráistí Cíosa
Eolas ar conas do chíos sóisialta a íoc, conas a ríomhtar do chíos sóisialta, d’íocaíochtaí cíosa a athrú má thagann athrú ar chúinsí do theaghlaigh, agus cabhair a fháil mura bhfuil do chíos sóisialta go léir íoctha agat.
How is my rent calculated?
Your rent is calculated under the current Differential Rent Scheme. The rent is based on the weekly assessable income of your household, which means that the amount of rent you pay depends on your total household income. For further information, please refer to the Tenant Handbook.
How can I pay my rent?
- Household Budget through An Post
- Bill pay using a rent payment card
- Weekly Direct Debit payments
- By phone on 01 222 2222 or at our Customer Services Centre
- Online payments
What if there is a change in my household income?
You should post copies of income details to our office i.e. P60s, payslips, Department of Social Protection payslips, etc., for all people in your home. We will then make an appointment to see you.
What happens if there is a change in my family size?
You should make contact with us prior to any new person moving in to your home. If a person in your home moves out, please contact us to reassess your Rent.
What should I do if have arrears on my rent?
Contact us immediately. A repayment plan will be agreed between you and the City Council to work out weekly repayments to include rent and arrears.
For further advice on managing money and debt, contact the Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) at www.mabs.ie or 1890 283 438.
Contact Us
Housing Rents Section
Tel: 01 222 2211
Email: [email protected]
If you live in any of the three areas below, please contact your area office:
Ballymun Area Office,
Ballymun Civic Centre,
Main Street,
Dublin 11.
Tel: 01 222 5610.
Ballyfermot Area Office,
Ballyfermot Community Civic Centre,
Ballyfermot Road,
Dublin 10.
Tel: 01 620 7128.
Finglas Area Office,
Finglas Civic Centre,
Mellowes Road,
Dublin 11.
Tel: 01 222 5420.