Local Area Plan for Baile Bogáin (Ballyboggan)
Dublin City Council is commencing the preparation of a Draft Local Area Plan (LAP) for lands at Dublin Industrial Estate and environs, Dublin 7 and Dublin 11, and is now engaging in pre-draft consultation from Friday 28th of April to Friday 26th of May 2023.
The closing date for making a written submission on the preparation of Baile Bogáin (Ballyboggan) Local Area Plan has now been extended by a further two weeks until the 9th June 2023.

The preparation of the Draft LAP, provisionally named as the ‘Baile Bogáin (Ballyboggan) LAP’, is an implementation action of the Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028. The LAP is required to enable the compact and sustainable mixed-use regeneration and redevelopment of the area in accordance with the Core Strategy of the Development Plan.
The LAP preparation process will involve further public consultation at draft stage and at material alteration stage (if applicable). Ongoing public consultation throughout the plan-making process will help inform the preparation of the new LAP.
Process of Preparing a Local Area Plan
The process and timeline for preparing an LAP is governed by the Planning and Development Act and usually extends to 41 weeks before final plan adoption. The key stages in the process relate to first carrying out non-statutory public and stakeholder consultation in the form of a high level Issues Paper. A Draft LAP is then prepared for further consultation. Any changes to the plan on foot of public consultation are incorporated and then a final LAP is presented to the City Council for adoption.
Pre-Draft Issues Paper
We are now at the ‘Pre-Draft’ stage of the LAP preparations process. This stage involves the publication of the Pre-Draft Issues Paper. This issues paper poses a series of questions under a number of themes to prompt ideas on the type of issues that the Draft LAP should address. The Strategic Issues Paper is available to view at the above Consultation link
How to Make a Submission/Observation
Written observations or submissions regarding the Pre-Draft Issues Paper or any other key issues that you wish to have considered in the preparation of the new Draft LAP are now invited from members of the public and all other interested parties, as well as children, or groups or associations representing the interests of children. Please take the opportunity to play a part in shaping the new Draft LAP by making a submission or observation.
Written observations or submissions regarding the preparation of the Baile Bogáin Local Area Plan must be received between Friday 28th of April and 4.30pm Friday 26th of May 2023.