Plean Ceantair Áitiúil Bhaile Munna
D’fhoilsigh Comhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath Plean Ceantair Áitiúil do cheantar Bhaile Munna, i gcomhréir le hAlt 20 den Acht um Pleanáil agus Forbairt.
The vision of the plan is to create a successful and sustainable new town with a thriving local economy that caters for all people.
Ballymun Retail Study
Appendices 1 - 3 - Ballymun Retail Study
Appendix 4 - Ballymun Retail Study
Appendices 5a -5b - Ballymun Retail Study
Ballymun Draft Local Area Plan 2017 Material Alterations
Ballymun LAP - SEA Statement
Ballymun LAP - SEA Report
Ballymun LAP - Appropriate Assessment
Ballymun LAP - Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
Ballymun LAP - Part 1
Ballymun LAP - Part 2
Ballymun LAP - Part 3
Contact Details