Strategic Development Zones
The Government may designate certain areas of land as Strategic Development Zones (SDZ) where their development is considered to be of strategic national economic and social importance. The SDZ designation enables the fast track delivery of new residential and non-residential development. Before development can be permitted in an SDZ, it is necessary to prepare a Planning Scheme for the area. Once approved, a Planning Scheme forms part of the City Development Plan, and any contrary provisions in the Development Plan are superseded.
Where development proposals are consistent with the provisions of the Planning Scheme, they will be granted permission. Proposals which are not consistent with the Planning Scheme will be refused permission. No party may appeal to An Bord Pleanála the decision of Dublin City Council on any application in respect of a development within the area of the Planning Scheme.
Newspaper and Site Notices must indicate that the application relates to development in the SDZ. Any party may make a submission/observation in respect of any planning application within a period of 5 weeks of the date of receipt by DCC.
There are three SDZ's located within the Dublin City Council area.
- Grangegorman
- North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock
- Poolbeg West
By virtue of Section 169 of the Planning and Development Acts 2000 as amended.