Information and Research
Baineann na pleananna agus na cáipéisí eile a liostaítear thíos le hiar-Phleananna Forbartha nó cuireadh ar fionraí iad.
The plans and other documents listed below are associated with former Development Plans or have been superseded. In many cases they may have been superseded by a Statutory Plan such as an SDZ Planning Schemes (e.g. Poolbeg West) or a Local Area Plans (e.g. North Fringe)
For this reason they are chiefly of historical interest only. In the absence of any superseding plan they may have some relevance; this would however be measured against the policies and objectives of current the City Development Plan and other national guidelines (such as the Design Manual for Roads and Streets, 2013).
Where available in digital format, these plans can be downloaded below.
A number of other plans are also available in hard copy only and may be viewed on request, including
- The Cork Street Connector 2004
- Heuston Gateway Framework Plan 2003
- Heuston Gateway Framework Plan 2008
- Liberties Coombe Urban Design Framework 2004
- The Liffey Connector 2011
- Managing Intensification and Change: A Strategy for Dublin Building Height 2000
- O’Connell Street Integrated Area Plan 1998
- New Western Boulevard (Naas Road) 2006
- Northside Town Centre Framework 2007
- North Fringe Action Area Plan 1998
- Ship Street/Werburgh Street Framework Plan 2005
- Smithfield Dublin: The Urban Stage 2004