Getting a Fire Safety Certificate
There are several types of Fire Safety Certificates:
Fire Safety Certificate
This is required where the applicant proposes a new building, a new building extension, material alterations to an existing building or a change of use of an existing building.
Revised Fire Safety Certificate
This application is required in respect of works that have already been granted a fire safety certificate, but where significant revisions need to be made for reasons other than fire safety, eg. conditions attached to Planning Permission, changes in design, etc.
7 Day Notice
The submission of a Fire Safety Certificate application can be accompanied by a 7 day notice. This is used where a person intends to commence building works before grant of the relevant fire safety certificate.
Regularisation Certificate
This is required where building works requiring a fire cert were commenced or completed post 1st June 1992 without an associated fire cert application.
Fire Safety Certificate Guidance
See the Building Control Management System for more information.
Seven Day Notice applications must be made via the BCMS registration / login page.
To complete the submission process the following hard-copy documentation should be submitted to the fire section:
- Completed seven day notice form accompanied by signed original Statutory Declaration (Note: These forms are created in BCMS and must be printed off and signed).
- Fire Safety Certificate Application
- Appropriate seven day notice fee
At present, it is not possible to finalise your seven day notice submission online as the above documentation must be submitted to the local authority in hard-copy to complete the process.
All documentation both online and in hard-copy must be submitted before an application can be considered complete.
The following application fees apply and should be made payable to Dublin City Council
Type of FSC application |
Fee per m2 of area applicable to current FSC application |
Minimum fee |
Maximum fee |
Fire Safety Certificate |
€2.90 |
€125 |
€12,500 |
Revised Fire Safety Certificate |
€2.90 |
€125 |
€12,500 |
7 Day Notice Fire Safety Certificate |
€5.80 |
€250 |
€25,000 |
Regularisation Fire Safety Certificate |
€11.60 |
€500 |
€50,000 |
Fee Exemptions
Development works by certain organisations are exempt from paying Fire Cert application fees (e.g. certain classes of voluntary organisations; not for profit accommodation of homeless persons).
Full details are listed in Section 22 of the Building Control Regulations 1997 – 2014
Where a fee exempt application is submitted, the applicant must detail how the proposed building is subject to the conditions of Section 22 of the Building Control Regulations 1997 – 2014.
Partial Refund of Fee for Subsequent Applications
In situations of subsequent applications, e.g. where a granted fire cert application is followed within 12 calendar months of the original application, by a revised fire cert application for the same development (i.e. a subsequent application), then there is provision to refund three quarters of the fee for that subsequent application. For any such subsequent application, the applicant pays the full application fee, but three quarters of the fee is later refunded to the applicant.
The subsequent application must be for works which are substantially of the same design and construction and on the same site or part of the site as the works covered by the first application. Full details of qualifying applications are outlined in Section 26 of the Building Control Regulations 1997, as amended by Section 15 of the Building Control (Amendment) Regulations 2009.
Any applicant who considers their application does qualify for a refund of fee, is advised to notify same to us when submitting their application form.
There is provision for an appeal to An Bord Pleanála against the decision of a Building Control Authority in relation to a Fire Safety Certificate application.
To view a order a copy of a Fire Safety Certificate or to view a Fire Safety Certificate Application File, please call (01) 222 4000 or email [email protected]