Leave Them Bee
Information about Leave Them Bee campaign
Across Dublin City Council’s parks, you will see our brightly coloured Leave Them Bee signs that feature our distinctive blue bee!
These signs mark areas that are specifically managed to allow native plants, including grasses, clover, and dandelions to grow. These areas provide habitat and food for native insects, including pollinators.
In tandem, Dublin City Council’s parks department has eliminated the use of the chemical glyphosate from its grassland management. Pollinator-friendly planting schemes are present in all DCC parks to provide a range of food sources throughout the year, including bulbs in spring and various perennials.
As part of our journey away from a scorched earth policy of eliminating every ‘weed’, Dublin City Council realises that the support of Dublin residents is vital. While aesthetically, ‘weeds’ will be more evident, it is hoped that the importance of these wildflowers as an essential food source for bees and other insects, and as part of a wider ecosystem, will be realised.
This is part of Dublin City Council’s commitment to the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan and Dublin City Biodiversity Action Plan 2021-2025.
Find out more about how you can help pollinators at www.pollinators.ie