Jamestown Masterplan
Dublin City Council’s (DCC) Planning and Property Development Department has prepared the Jamestown Masterplan (the Masterplan), made according to the requirements of Strategic Development and Regeneration Area (SDRA) 3 – Finglas Village Environs and Jamestown Lands, of the Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 (the Development Plan). The Masterplan was approved at the monthly council meeting on 3 July 2023.
The Masterplan is a detailed refinement of the SDRA framework set out in the Development Plan for 43 hectares of Jamestown Industrial Estate lands at Jamestown Road, St Margaret's Road / McKee Avenue, Finglas, Dublin 11. The Masterplan sets out the following detail to inform the sustainable and sequential regeneration and development of the lands:
- Urban Structure
- Green infrastructure and open space
- Built form and design
- Land use and activity
- Phasing and sequencing
The Jamestown Masterplan represents an urban design-led and evidence-based approach to the regeneration of this strategic land bank, capitalising on significant state investment in public transportation in accordance with national and regional policy objectives relating to compact and sustainable growth. Accordingly, it has the capacity to deliver new homes, create new and support existing jobs, along with the provision of associated community and educational uses, all underpinned be exemplary urban design principles. The Masterplan is given statutory effect by SDRA 3 of the Development Plan.
Environmental Assessments
In accordance with the SEA Directive (2001/42/EC) and the provisions of Schedule 2A of the Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) (SEA) Regulations 2004-2011 (the SEA Regulations), SEA screening was undertaken in respect of the Masterplan. DCC as the competent authority has determined that the Masterplan would not be likely to have a significant effect on the environment and that SEA is not required in respect of the Masterplan.
A screening for Appropriate Assessment (AA) was carried out having regard to Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive. DCC as the Competent Authority has determined that the Masterplan, individually, and in combination with other plans and projects, does not have the potential to give rise to likely significant effects on the Special Conservation Interests / Qualifying Interests and their respective Conservation Objectives of any Natura 2000 site, and does not require an Appropriate Assessment.
The Masterplan has been informed by Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) and is accompanied by a Surface Water Management Strategy.
The Masterplan will be used to inform and assess planning applications but does not give planning consent for specific projects, which will be subject to statutory planning consent under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). All projects will be subject to environmental assessment as part of the planning consent process. This includes compliance with the EU Environmental Impact Assessment, Floods, and Habitats Directives.
Variation No. 4
Pursuant to Section 13 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, the Members of Dublin City Council resolved to adopt Variation No. 4 of the Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 on the 12 February 2024, in respect of SDRA 3 – Finglas Village Environs and Jamestown Lands and the incorporation of the Jamestown Masterplan 2023 into the Development Plan by way of a new appendix. The variation:
- Deleted section B ‘Jamestown Lands’ of SDRA 3 and inserted new text referencing the approved Jamestown Masterplan 2023.
- Modified Figure 13-3 to reflect the approved Jamestown Masterplan.
- Incorporated the Jamestown Masterplan 2023 into the Development Plan by way of a new appendix.
Please refer to Variation to Dublin City Development Plan 2022 – 2028.
Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028
Following the adoption of the Jamestown Masterplan 2023 as noted above, the City Council incorporated the Jamestown Masterplan into the Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 by way of Variation No. 4 to the Development Plan.
The Masterplan, together with the accompanying reports can be viewed below.