Building Control Management System

The Building Control Management System (BCMS) allows property owners, builders, developers, architects and engineers to submit notifications, applications and compliance certificates online.

At present, 7 Day Notices must be filed electronically on the Building Control Management System where a statutory declaration will be created. The platform can also be used to submit the likes of Fire Safety Certificate applications to building control authorities.

It is not possible to finalise your submission online as all documentation must be submitted to the local authority in hard copy format to complete the process. All documentation, both electronic and hard copy, must be submitted before an application can be considered complete.

Each owner, designer, builder and assigned certifier must register with the Building Control Management System to make a submission. Rule 9 of the Building Control Regulations 2014 recommends this website as the preferred means of electronic building control administration.

How Dublin Fire Brigade Can Help

Making Dublin safe from fires and other emergencies is at the heart of what we do. If you have any questions regarding fire safety or prevention, contact us below.

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Dublin Fire Brigade - Fire Prevention and Community Fire Safety

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