How To Pay Development Contributions
If you have received an invoice you can pay online using the link below:…
Please note you must have an invoice number to use this facility.
Other methods of payment:
1. By EFT - (Electronic funds transfer) to ~
Dublin City Council's bank account:
IBAN: IE41 AIBK 9320 8680 1345 97
Please quote a planning application number as a reference with every electronic payment.
2. At any bank branch - by credit transfer into Dublin City Council's bank account.
3. By Post - cheques and bank drafts should be made payable to ~
Dublin City Council and forwarded to:
Financial Contributions/Taking In Charge
Planning & Property Development Department
Floor 3
Block 4
Civic Offices
Wood Quay
Dublin 8
D08 RF3F
4. In person - By debit or credit card, cash, cheque or bank draft, at any Dublin City Council cash office.
5. By Telephone - Call (01) 222 2222 and you may pay by debit or credit card.
Please note we do not except American Express.