Build a Scaffold or Hoarding

You need a licence to erect a hoarding or scaffold on a public footpath or roadway. To purchase a licence, follow these steps:

Step 1: Contact Dublin City Council's Roadworks Control Unit

We will arrange for a Roadworks Control inspector to meet you at the place where you want to set up the hoarding or scaffolding. The Inspector will examine the location and decide whether or not to grant permission.


Step 2: Return a scaffold/hoarding application form to us

If permission is granted, the Inspector will provide you with an application form, to complete and return to Dublin City Council.

Allow up to 7 working days to process your application.  Prior to issuing of licence, payment of the appropriate fee to be made by debit card, credit card or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). (Please provide proof of corresponding EFT payment via remittance advice). Thank you for your co-operation.

 Fees for a scaffold/hoarding licence

For hoarding or scaffolding erected on a footpath only - to a maximum width of 30 metres - the charge is €207 per month (or part thereof).


Further charges may apply if:

  • The scaffolding or hoarding interferes with a public road
  • Alternative arrangements are needed for pedestrians
  • The scaffolding or hoarding requires parking bays to be put out of service
  • The scaffolding or hoarding is located on the corner of two roads or streets
  • The scaffolding or hoarding is erected in a pedestrianised area
Contact Details

Transportation, Roads & Traffic

Telephone Number