Management Accounting – Revenue Budget
Dublin City Council is required to prepare and adopt an annual revenue budget.
Sections 102 and 103 of the Local Government Act 2001 specify the financial procedures governing:
- the preparation of the budget
- the Budget Meeting
The Council Revenue Budget is funded from the following sources:
- Commercial rates
- Local Property Tax
- Government grants
- Irish Water
- Pension contributions
- Income from goods and services
A service division classifies income and expenditure in the annual budget. The budget is drafted by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Corporate Policy Group. However, a local authority is not bound to accept the budget prepared by the Chief Executive and may adopt a budget with or without amendment. In the adopted budget, the Annual Rate on Valuation is determined to finance the deficiency in the funds of the authority, i.e. the part of the authority's expenditure not met by State grants and miscellaneous receipts.